Our Mission “British farmers are paid to conserve on land. Our project will try to find ways in which fishermen can derive similar benefits from conservation at sea.”

2021 News

Stunning aerial footage of Beer beach and fishing port in east Devon.
21st December, 2021

Beer is home to fishermen of the Lyme Bay Fisheries & Conservation Reserve, along with the fishing ports of West Bay, Lyme Regis in west Dorset, and Axmouth in Devon. Set along the Jurassic Coast, Beer is a truly stunning place to call your office.

By Eagle Drones Aerial Photography

Consultative Committee Meeting Minutes
17th December, 2021

Minutes from the recent Lyme Bay Fisheries & Conservation Reserve Consultative Committee meeting where fishermen, conservationists, marine regulators and scientists aim to reconcile the needs of the environment and local fishing industry by establishing a new blueprint for sustainable conservation.

Photo by James Bowden: www.jamesbowden.net

Factoid Friday
17th December, 2021

Did you know the East Tennants Reef in Lyme Bay supports one of densest and most extensive populations of pink seafans (Eunicella verrucosa) in the English Channel. The seafans found here are notable for their large size in addition to the high density found here and that is why the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve aims to look after this rich habitat through sustainable fisheries management.

Local underwater photographer Colin Munro who filmed this rocky reef in about 24-29 meters approximately 5 miles offshore describes the reefs in Lyme Bay as mostly low lying and the waters tend to be fairly gloomy and turbid. As this is essentially a large, open, sandy bay exposed to the prevailing winds, then significant amounts of suspended sediment are the norm.

Filmed by Colin Munro (www.colinmunrophotography.com). Underwater lighting by Sean Leake.

Shoreline footage from Beer beach
13th December, 2021

Fisherman Jim Newton's small-scale fishing boat 'Bess' (FH32) on the beach ready for another day out in the Bay, catching the low-impact, sustainable, premium-quality, provenance-assured seafood of Lyme Bay: www.lymebayreserve.co.uk/reserve-seafood/ Can you spot the brave swimmers?

Stay safe and watch from afar
7th December, 2021

The fishing port of Lyme Regis, home to the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve, getting battered by Storm Barra this morning.

Do you have an interest in all things cuttlefish?
7th December, 2021

Blue Marine Foundation recently held a Cuttlefish Symposium which heard from fishermen, researchers, fisheries and marine conservation managers, conservation groups and citizen scientists on their current knowledge about cuttlefish biology, fishery status and the management measures in place both in the UK and abroad.

This online event aimed to initiate a collaborative effort to take the action needed to support the long-term health of UK cuttlefish populations and sustainable fisheries. Speakers include representatives from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), MMO (Marine Management Organisation), Cefas (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture), Natural England, regional IFCAs and Cephalopod Citizen Science Project. As part of Blue Marine Foundation's ethos they were also particularly keen to hear views from fishermen and had a dedicated open forum session.

Pop the kettle on, sit back and discover more.

Scientific Paper
2nd December, 2021

PhD candidate at University of Plymouth Bede Ffinian Rowe Davies reports on a recent scientific paper based in Lyme Bay’s marine protected area: "New Open Access Paper available: 'A Decade Implementing Ecosystem Approach To Fisheries Management Improves Diversity of Taxa and Traits Within a Marine Protected Area in the UK'. This paper looks at changes in organism traits and diversity over 10 years inside and outside of the Lyme Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA) monitored by Plymouth University. The MPA in Lyme Bay prohibited the use of Mobile Demersal Fishing (such as trawling and dredging) within 206 km² of the Devon and Dorset Seabed off the south of the UK. Using a combination of both Towed Underwater Videos (TUVs) and Baited Remote Underwater Video systems (BRUVs) we assessed the change over time in Trait Diversity Metrics and the Distribution of Specific Traits.

The combined number of different benthic taxa enumerated across TUVs and BRUVs increased over 10 years by 39% inside the MPA. This expanse in taxa led to an increase in trait richness of 65% inside the MPA. Abundances of traits, such as Feeding Type (filter feeders, scavengers etc.) and Motility (sessile, swimmers, crawlers etc.) have been seen to be effected by chronic bottom trawling. We found increases over time in sessile and filter feeder traits in the MPA where Mobile Demersal Fishing had been prohibited and increases in scavenging and crawler traits outside the MPA. The ecosystem function of the benthic community in the Lyme Bay MPA changed significantly over the 10 years compared to nearby controls. The MPA became more diverse (taxonomically and functionally), which is likely to lead to greater levels of ecosystem services. As always this work was a massive collaborative effort with researchers, stakeholders and fishers working together for well over a decade! Thank you to everyone involved especially those in Dr Emma Sheehan's Research group: applied Marine Ecosystems Research past and present!"

Funders: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Natural England, Blue Marine Foundation.

Read the whole paper here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ddi.13451

Pictured are the Baited Remote Underwater Video systems (BRUVs) and pink seafans.
Credit: Bede Ffinian Rowe Davies and Emma Sheehan.

Life as a Lyme Bay fisher
26th November 2021

This film of Lyme Bay Reserve fisher Simon Hill shows what life is like out on the waves within the Reserve as he heads off to catch low-impact, sustainable, premium-quality, provenance-assured seafood. Captured by Wild Scoundrels who focus on local, sustainable, seasonal food, local food producers, and countryside and environmental issues. And they make it fun! Check it out.

Scientific Research Infographic
19th November, 2021

Over the years Lyme Bay Reserve, facilitated by Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE), has been instrumental in setting the scene for scientific research along the South West coast.

Along the coast in Sussex a Byelaw was introduced in March 2021 following campaigning by BLUE and others under the Help our Kelp banner and excludes trawling from over 300 km2 off the Sussex coast to help kelp recovery in an area where over 96% has been lost since the 1980s. This infographic shows the research that BLUE is leading and working on with partners to monitor the impacts of the Sussex IFCA Nearshore Trawling Byelaw.

Dorset Seafood Festival 2021
5th November, 2021

Great write-up in the Dorset Echo about the recent Nyetimber Dorset Seafood Festival which we were a part of in September. This year's Festival raised £8,000 for the Fishermen's Mission charity - bringing the total amount raised to just under £90,000 since the much-loved extravaganza began. Read the article here.

We'll see you next year for more fishy fun!

Fishing in Beer
21st October, 2021

Beer is one of four fishing ports which makes up the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve, the others being West Bay, Lyme Regis and Axmouth. Beer has always been a small fishing village and remains so today. There is no port or harbour but its deep cove and good anchorage within the shelter of Beer Head makes it perfect for fishing. Fishing boats are winched up the beach using small electrically driven winches using steel cables, or tractors are located on the beach to haul boats up on shingle beach.

Pictured here is fisherman Jim Newton using oiled tree trucks to help ease his boat up on to the beach.

For more information about Beer visit: www.beervillage.co.uk
Photo by www.jamesbowden.net

Axmouth harbour in the Autumn Sunshine
15th October, 2021

Stunning photos from skipper Carolyn Louise Nation as she heads out of Axmouth Harbour this week.

Lyme Bay Infographic
14th October, 2021

Proof that you can have vibrant, low impact fisheries alongside environmental recovery, benefiting people and planet. Want to know more about this 'win-win' model for fishing and conservation? Head over to www.lymebayreserve.co.uk and Blue Marine Foundation and discover more.

University of Plymouth MPA Research
4th October, 2021

Great article in Fish Focus about research by University of Plymouth on the Lyme Bay marine protected area (MPA). The University’s work in Lyme Bay, which has been funded at various stages by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Natural England, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and Blue Marine Foundation, has been carried out in conjunction with local Lyme Bay fishers and other community groups along the Dorset and Devon coastline.

Read more here.

Hooked on seafood? Passionate about sustainability?
6th September, 2021

Along the Dorset coast and below the waves of Lyme Bay Reserve great work is happening. Let the stats speak for themselves courtesy of University of Plymouth. Come and learn more from our #BLUEseas Marquee at this year's Nyetimber Dorset Seafood Festival this coming weekend, the 11th & 12th September

Scientific Research from University of Plymouth
27th August, 2021

Seabed recovers more quickly following extreme storms than from the impacts of bottom-towed fishing. New research by the University examined the impact of the 2013/14 winter storms on the Lyme Bay Marine Protected Area.

Academics from the University of Plymouth have been monitoring the Lyme Bay area using underwater cameras and other techniques since 2008, when a ban on bottom towed fishing was introduced as part of a range of conservation measures.

They have previously demonstrated that several species have returned to the area since the marine protected area (MPA) was introduced, resulting in the significant recovery of seabed life and fish and shellfish stocks. However, there have been no previous studies looking at how extreme storms impact seabed habitats or the potential for MPAs to increase ecosystem resilience from storms. To address that, researchers analysed the impacts of the 2013/14 series of storms.

Dr Emma Sheehan, Associate Professor of Marine Ecology at University of Plymouth quotes “In our assessments in 2014, it appeared the previous winter’s storms had devastated the MPA. Loose sediments and other debris were prolific where life and biogenic reef habitat had been observed the year before. By 2016, large numbers of adult pink sea fans and other species were being observed once again with more juvenile pink sea fans than ever before. It showed the MPA’s recovery had begun almost immediately whereas, by contrast, it took more than three years for such patterns to be seen following its initial designation."

Find out more here: https://bit.ly/3h9r7Hl

Video of Pink Seafans by University of Plymouth

Dorset Seafood Festival
25th August, 2021

As the Nyetimber Dorset Seafood Festival celebrates the locally caught lobster at this year's festival, we thought we'd share this fascinating fact about the marine crustacean from Lyme Bay Reserve fisherman Gavin Ziemann who fishes from The Quayside. Home Of The Axmouth Fishermen. Gavin knows a thing or two about lobsters and we love to hear his stories.

Gavin says, "Lobsters can lose both of their claws, known as bobtails. This can be through fighting or predators. They also have the ability to grow new ones. If you look at the middle of this picture you can see two small black arms, these are new claws growing and are like jelly at this stage, so not functional. This lobster was returned to the sea."

Lovely Lobsters
19th August, 2021

Did you know lobsters are one of the most commonly caught commercial species in Lyme Bay Reserve and are sold through Reserve Seafood, which markets the low-impact, sustainable, premium-quality, provenance-assured seafood of Lyme Bay. At this year's Nyetimber Dorset Seafood Festival they are making a big splash about the humble lobster, focusing on its unique taste and versatility when it comes to cooking. Head over to the #BlueSeas marquee to discover more.

Tickets: www.dorsetseafood.co.uk

Lyme Bay lobsters are available to buy from many local fish mongers along the Dorset coast such as Lyme Bay Fish Shack and Beer Fisheries Ltd.

Minimal #foodmiles. Maximum taste

Reserve Seafood
16th August, 2021

Did you know, the Reserve Seafood brand was developed by Blue Marine Foundation to market the sustainable, premium quality, provenance-assured seafood of Lyme Bay Fisheries & Conservation Reserve with a van taking fish direct from quayside to market to ensure top-quality fresh fish.

You can learn more about this initiative at this year's Nyetimber Dorset Seafood Festival over the weekend of the 11th & 12th September.

Do you know your A, B, Seafood?
3rd August, 2021

Head over to the #BLUESeas marquee at this year's Nyetimber Dorset Seafood Festival 2021 in Weymouth on the 11th & 12th September and discover how University of Plymouth have been instrumental in assessing the impact of static potting on reef habitats as well as commercially targeted species within the Lyme Bay Reserve marine protected area.
Watch. Learn. Taste. Enjoy.

BLUE Seas charity comes to Dorset Seafood Festival
15th July, 2021

Great write-up in the Dorset Echo about the forthcoming Nyetimber Dorset Seafood Festival on the 11th & 12th September in Weymouth, Dorset, which sees the Blue Marine Foundation (facilitators of the Lyme Bay Reserve) take an active roll once again in showcasing the success of Lyme Bay Reserve to the visiting crowds.

For more information about the festival, and to book your tickets, visit www.dorsetseafood.co.uk

Thresher Shark in Lyme Bay
14th July, 2021

This impressive photo of a Thresher shark jumping out of the water in Lyme Bay was taken by Alex Dunn on his way from Dartmouth to Lyme Regis yesterday.

Alex said; "We think we have today seen a Thresher shark jumping out of the water in Lyme Bay. Having been searching to see what we saw, as we were surprised, we thought we should let you know. It was quite a way off but we managed to take this picture". The Thresher shark (scientific name: Alopias vulpinus) is a migratory species and passes through UK waters in the summer months. If you’re lucky, you might see this magnificent shark jump high out of the water in to the air.

Has anyone else seen this impressive specie with its gigantic leap?
For more information head over to: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/.../fish.../thresher-shark

FREE Education Outreach Resources
8th July, 2021

Do you work in education with primary school children? Thinking of ways to educate and entertain your class in the lead-up to the summer holidays? Then look no further! As part of our ongoing commitment to support local schools, and increase awareness, understanding and involvement in protecting our oceans and sustainable fishing, we have revisited our class activities and want to tell you all about it.

Click on the link below to discover the wealth of information about the world beneath the waves, with a range of resources to help inspire your class to learn about the importance of our seas to us all, and how we can protect them.

Our online resource pack includes modules on:
Fish Nutrition & Food Miles
Marine Ecosystems
Marine Litter
Wildlife in Danger
Marine Management
Sustainable Fishing – Coming soon!

Since 2014, we have visited over 129 schools and delivered outreach sessions to over 7,400 schools children. Be part of the growing numbers of people discovering life beneath the waves of Lyme Bay Reserve.

An office with a view
25th June, 2021

A beautiful morning at sea for fishers Carolyn, and brothers Gavin and Charlie Ziemann last week as they headed out of The Quayside. Home Of The Axmouth Fishermen into Lyme Bay Reserve to haul up their lobster pots.

Did you know that sustainable levels of pot fishing can be used within UK waters, like here in Lyme Bay, which benefit both fisheries and conservation with a low-impact, high-reward strategy. Research by University of Plymouth has shown that the number of pots used by fishermen under a voluntary code of conduct had little impact on the marine environment. However, if commercial intensity were to increase above a measurable “threshold”, the study revealed that the reef building species and commercially targeted species that had started to return following the ban on trawling could be negatively affected.

For more information about this potting study, head over to our website: www.lymebayreserve.co.uk/science/potting-study.php

Photos by Carolyn Louise Nation

18th June, 2021

Huge congratulations to the husband and wife team Nigel and Corinne Birt at the Lyme Bay Fish Shack for scooping not one, but TWO awards at last night's Fishing News Awards 2021.

They won the prestigious ‘Independent Retailer of the Year' and would like to thank all the people who voted for them, and customers who support what they do. They also want to thank their amazing staff who make up such a great team, and Millers Farm Shop for their continued support.

The second award went to young skipper Sam Birt, son of Nigel and Corrine, who won ‘Trainee Fisherman of the Year' award! Keep up the great work supplying sustainably sourced fish and shellfish to the plenty, and for encouraging and training the future fishing fleet of Lyme Bay.

Photos by Lyme Bay Fish Shack

Local, fresh crab for lunch anyone?
17th June, 2021

These tasty crabs were potted sustainably by Axmouth fisherman Gavin Ziemann this week aboard his boat 'Ventura', and are on their way to local fishmonger 'Just Fish' in Seaton, just down the road from Axmouth harbour.

Minimal food miles. Maximum taste. What's not to love!

Need some inspiration on how to cook up a feast? Local celebrity chef Mark Hix has whipped up this tasty recipe, using crab as the star of the plate: https://bit.ly/3cQ6SMF

Cast your votes TODAY!
5th May, 2021

We are pleased to announce that the Lyme Bay Fish Shack, who fish in Lyme Bay Reserve, have been shortlisted in the Fishing News Awards for 2021 in not one, but TWO categories;

Trainee Fisherman of the Year
Young fisher Sam Birt, 17, has been involved with the fishing industry since the age of 10. He has worked on his father’s boat, KT-SAM, and completed several trips on the day-boat trawler New Seeker. The main methods of fishing on the KT-SAM are static nets, lobster and crab pots, and rod and line.

Independent Retailer of the Year
Lyme Bay Fish Shack is run by husband and wife team Nigel and Corinne Birt, who started the business in 2012. Over the years they have expanded to a new shop and prep room, which was built in 2019. The team has its own boat, KT-SAM E 10, run by Nigel and their son Sam, which works out of Lyme Regis. They pot for lobsters and crab, use static nets for Dover sole, plaice, etc, and rod and line for bass, pollack and cod. Voting couldn't be easier. Click on the link below and cast your votes. Voting closes at midnight on 20 May.


Good luck Sam, Nigel & Corinne

Special visitors to Lyme Bay Fisheries & Conservation Reserve
26th April, 2021

This sunny weekend saw two very special visitors down on the quayside in Lyme Regis.
MP for West Dorset Chris Loder MP and Mayor Brian Larcombe of Lyme Regis Town Council. Both were invited to meet with fishermen from the Lyme Bay Fisheries & Conservation Reserve to understand more about sustainable seafood, life as a small-scale inshore fisherman, and the future management of England’s Coral Garden that is Lyme Bay. With social distance measures in place, Chris and Brian spoke at length to the fishermen to understand their concerns, needs and passion for sustainable fishing in the area.

Guests were then hosted by renowned chef Mark Hix and his diligent staff at Theoysterandfishhouse as they served Reserve Seafood, the low-impact sustainable, premium-quality, provenance-assured seafood of Lyme Bay over a jaw-dropping vista. With this level of interest, and collaborative approach, there's a bright future for Lyme Bay Reserve.

21st April, 2021

This magnificent basking shark was filmed by Lyme Bay Reserve fisher Nathan Cox aboard his boat 'Our Phyllis Rose' whilst out fishing in Lyme Bay Reserve on the 14th April. Basking sharks can reach lengths of up to 12 metres and are second in size only to the gigantic whale shark. These gentle giants are filter feeders, mostly dining on plankton. Basking sharks do not actively seek out food or suck in water, instead they swim with their mouths open, catching whatever goes through.

The basking shark is a seasonal visitor to the UK – the best time to spot one is between May and October, when a significant number of them arrive in British waters. Basking sharks live for around 50 years and often swim around either in pairs or groups of up to 100.

The film 'STORM'
13th April, 2021

Dr Emma Sheehan, Associate Professor of Marine Ecology from University of Plymouth has just released this short film 'STORM'. 'STORM' highlights how the Lyme Bay Marine Protected Areas that excluded bottom-towed fishing in 2008 has increased the resilience of the coral and sponge reef ecosystem to extreme climatic events.

When the area was hit by extreme storms in 2014 the recovering community was severely damaged, however, research by the University of Plymouth shows how the reefs are now bouncing back far quicker than previous recovery rates following years of bottom-towed fishing.

Watch here:

Lyme Bay Reserve in the press
12th April, 2021

Great to see the successful Blue Marine Foundation work in Lyme Bay on sustainable fishing highlighted in this article about #Seaspiracy in the Daily Mail: https://bit.ly/3zA0qD5

Want to know more about Lyme Bay Reserve? This documentary, produced by Blue Marine Foundation, showcases the miraculous recovery of marine life in the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve in Dorset, following the creation of a marine protected area that banned destructive, mobile fishing. The film also tells of the benefits to small-scale fishermen of the community-led, collaborative model of sustainable fishing that has since been developed.

Watch here:

Beer Beach in Spring Sunshine
9th April, 2021

Beautiful snapshot of Beer beach, home to the Lyme Bay Fisheries & Conservation Reserve fishermen.

Friday Fishy Factoid
9th April, 2021

Did you know that lost and abandoned fishing gear, which is deadly to marine life, makes up the majority of large plastic pollution in the oceans, according to a report by Greenpeace International. So it's great to see Lyme Bay Reserve fisherman John Wallington from The Quayside. Home Of The Axmouth Fishermen bringing ashore the cod-end of a trawler net last week. Found floating out in Lyme Bay the net was possibly lost over the rail during bad weather. John and his crew managed to recover the net and bring it ashore. Now to get it recycled! Great work guys!

Exciting News
2nd April, 2021

We are thrilled to announce that from today you will be able to buy our lobsters from all four of Moxons Fishmongers shops in London. The fishermen of Lyme Bay Reserve have worked with the Blue Marine Foundation and scientists for over a decade to fish sustainably. Studies by Plymouth Uni show lobsters are four and a half times more abundant in the Reserve thanks to fishermen's efforts to conserve stocks. Support the fishermen of Lyme Bay Reserve this Easter and order from moxonsfreshfish.com/our-shops/. Supplies are limited!

Photo by Saeed Rashid at Focus Visuals

Axmouth Harbour
30th March, 2021

Challenging condition at the mouth of Axmouth harbour this week. Expertly handled by fisherman Oscar as he heads out into Lyme Bay Reserve for a day of fishing.

19th March, 2021

These pots were pulled up by Lyme Bay fisherman Gavin Ziemann from The Quayside. Home Of The Axmouth Fishermen yesterday. If you look closely, you'll see a couple of small sea urchins using some broken shells as a disguise.

The reefs and adjacent areas in Lyme Bay are traditional fishing grounds for local fishing communities for which fishing is both culturally and economically important, but the reefs are also home to many diverse flora and fauna species.

Head over to our website to discover more: https://www.lymebayreserve.co.uk/marine-life/

Say hello to fisherwoman Carolyn Nation
16th March, 2021

We spent some time getting to know Carolyn, a new face down on Axmouth harbour. Ever since she was small, Carolyn has been interested in fishing, and used to go out on her Dad’s boat, which was moored in Lyme Regis, and it was here where she got hooked (pun intended!).

In March last year, with extra time on her hands, Carolyn decided to train up as a skipper. In order to work towards her skipper’s license, and build up the required 150 hours, she started working at the helm with fisherman Charlie Ziemann aboard his boat Sunbeam, moored in Axmouth. Both would head out into Lyme Bay Reserve, some days for up to 10 hours at a time. Carolyn quickly built up her required hours and obtained her skipper’s license in February of this year. But she’s not stopping here, Carolyn is now busy working towards her Advanced Skipper’s Course, funded through European Fisheries Fund, and already has her Experienced Fisherman’s ID Card, which shows health and safety knowledge and sea survival skills.

We asked Carolyn what amazing sights she has seen whilst out fishing in Lyme Bay; “Dolphins are always a joy to see, but also what’s attached to the pots as we haul them up, things like squid eggs, which are amazing to see. On rare occasions it’s great to see squat lobsters – they are beautiful and a real highlight when they come up in the pots. They go back in the sea”.

Well done Carolyn, keep up the great work and stay safe.

LYME BAY: The Road To Recovery
15th March, 2021

In case you missed it… the Blue Marine Foundation showcases the miraculous recovery of marine life in the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve in Dorset, following the creation of a marine protected area that banned destructive, mobile fishing and tells of the benefits to small-scale fishermen of the community-led, collaborative model of sustainable fishing that has since been developed. Directed by award-winning director Rupert Murray.

South West Marine Ecosystems Webinar
10th March, 2021

South West Marine Ecosystems webinar on Marine Protected Areas and Management.
Dr Adam Rees; Post-Doctoral researcher at the University of Plymouth, and Research Officer at the Blue Marine Foundation, shares results from the Lyme Bay Potting Study; a four-year study assessing the impact of potting on the reefs and crab and lobster fisheries here in Lyme Bay Reserve supported by Blue Marine Foundation and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Using four different potting levels: high, medium, low and none, across Lyme Bay, Adam and fishermen monitored changes to crab and lobster and the reefs through a number of methods. After four years they found reef building species were 36% less abundant in high treatment sites compared to other treatments. Fragile species such as Ross Coral were 83% less abundant in high treatment sites. Abundance of both brown crab and lobster were also observed over the four-year period to be lower in high potting treatments and crabs were lighter!

International Women’s Day
8th March, 2021

Celebrating #InternationalWomensDay with fisherwoman Carolyn alongside brothers Gavin and Charlie from Axmouth. A big shout out to all other fisherwomen who brave the high seas to bring seafood to our plates.

Majestic Beer Beach
8th March, 2021

A snapshot of beautiful Beer beach, home to the fishermen of Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve.

Fishy Factoid Time
5th March, 2021

Gavin Ziemann is not only a fisherman fishing out in Lyme Bay in his small-scale boat 'Ventura', he is also a member of Lyme Bay Fisheries & Conservation Reserve, contributor to The Quayside. Home Of The Axmouth Fishermen and has also been the Schools Outreach Ambassador delivering informative talks about sustainable fishing and marine litter to primary schools in and around Dorset and Devon. What Gavin doesn't know isn't worth knowing and he knows a lot about cuttlefish! If you venture out along the beach this weekend have a look for some cuttlefish bones and if you want to impress friends and family, here’s some top information from Gavin:

– Cuttlefish will soon be coming inshore around our coast to breed.
– They live for only two to three years
– Cuttle ink can be used to make the colour sepia
– Cuttle bone is used for budgies and parrots to wear their beaks on
– Cuttle bone, because of its heat resistance, is sometimes used to make small moulds for forming melted materials like pewter into jewellery.

Do you have a practical use for cuttlebones?

Photo of swimming cuttlefish by www.colinmunrophotography.com.

Sunbeam fishing in Lyme Bay Reserve
3rd March, 2021

Cracking photos aboard Sunbeam whilst fishing out in Lyme Bay Reserve yesterday. Not a bad office window.

Photos by Carolyn Louise Nation – The Quayside. Home Of The Axmouth Fishermen.

Say hello to Simon
2nd March, 2021

It's hard to miss Simon, our Reserve Seafood delivery driver, wearing his new branded sweatshirt and hi-vis jacket whilst down in Lyme Regis today.

Simon makes regular visits throughout the week to each of the four ports, which make-up Lyme Bay Reserve; West Bay, Lyme Regis, Axmouth and Beer to collect fish and shellfish from the chiller units. The construction of the chiller units, part funded by Blue Marine Foundation, helps to improve the quality, durability and value of the landed catches. As fishermen have agreed to a reduction in gear levels in the interests of the environment, it was therefore desirable to help them achieve an optimum price for their catch by way of providing basic chiller facilities within their port.

Another aim at the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve is to help fishermen achieve best quality and top pricing for their catch. To do this we created the 'Reserve Seafood' brand, which markets the low-impact sustainable, premium quality, provenance-assured seafood of Lyme Bay.

A win-win model of sustainable fishing and conservation.

Axmouth Harbour
1st March, 2021

Interesting footage showing the entrance to Axmouth harbour, which fishermen from Lyme Bay Reserve navigate through as they head out into Lyme Bay. The entrance is narrow and formed between the shingle spit to the west and a short stone piled pier to the east. The River Axe estuary extends two miles inland and is navigable at high water by small craft.

For more details about this interesting natural feature the Axe Yacht Club
has a great webpage about it https://bit.ly/3r5ftAn

Now that's an office with a view!
26th February, 2021

East Devon District Council have been carrying out the annual #cliff inspections in Beer this week. If you look down on the shingle beach you'll see some of the small-scale fishing fleet of Lyme Bay Reserve lined up ready to head out to catch some low-impact sustainable, premium-quality, provenance-assured fish and shellfish. #DontLookDown

Photo by East Devon District Council

Oceanographic Magazine
23rd February, 2021

Great article in the Oceanographic Magazine about the better management of crab and lobster catches in Lyme Bay which could offer long-term benefits.

Photo of Lyme Bay Reserve fisherman Jim Newton from Beer in East Devon.

Happy #FishFriday everyone!
19th February, 2021

On another wet and windy day, why not create your own bit of sunshine in the kitchen with a fish dish supplied by the Lyme Bay Fish Shack. From Bream, Ling, Pollock and Plaice to Lemon Sole, Dover Sole, Brill and Monkfish there's plenty to make yourself scrumptious fish pie this weekend.

Bring a smile to your face and the fishermen of Lyme Bay Reserve who brave this weather to bring you #LocalFishforDinner

Fascinating animation about crab and lobster pot density
16th February 2021

Fantastic animation explaining how a study by the University of Plymouth has found that managing the density of crab and lobster pots at an optimum level increases the quality of catch, benefits the marine environment and makes the industry more sustainable in the long term. The study was carried out in partnership with local Lyme Bay Reserve fishers and funded by the Blue Marine Foundation & Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

This handy animation helps explain some of the findings:

You can read more about the study here: Managing crab and lobster catches could offer long-term benefits to fishermen and the environment

Animation by the University of Plymouth.

Optimal fishing effort benefits fisheries and conservation
15th February, 2021

Research published today, carried out by the University of Plymouth and the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve, provides a guide for sustainable pot fishing within the UK's marine protected areas and is a significant step towards developing well-managed pot fisheries. Over four years, areas of temperate reef within the Lyme Bay Reserve were exposed to different levels of pot fishing to assess the effects on biodiversity in the area.

The experiment demonstrated for the first time the negative effects associated with high levels of pot fishing both on reef building species and commercially targeted species. But the research also revealed that sustainable levels of pot fishing can be used within UK waters, benefitting both fisheries and conservation with a low-impact, high reward strategy.

Find out more visit: https://go.nature.com/3b5XItH

Scrumptious & Sustainable
12th February, 2021

This Valentine's Day treat your someone special to some scrumptious, sustainably sourced fish and shellfish from Lyme Bay Reserve, and show love towards our small-scale fishing fleet at the same time.

Head on down to the Lyme Bay Fish Shack in Axminster, Devon to see what amazing offers they have during this romantic weekend and share the love.

Photos by the Lyme Bay Fish Shack

‘Ventura’ in the winter sunshine.
8th February, 2021

Stunning photo of small-scale fishing boat 'Ventura' out fishing in Lyme Bay crewed by Lyme Bay Reserve fishermen Gavin Ziemann and brother Charlie from Axmouth Harbour.

Photo taken by Carolyn Louise Nation

What do you see in the waves?
1st February, 2021

Crashing waves over the Cobb in Lyme Regis, home to Lyme Bay Reserve fishermen, during high tide at the weekend.

Captured by the talented photographer: www.simonemmettphotography.com

Blue’s 10th Birthday
27th January, 2021

Read about the Blue Marine Foundation's activities and achievements from BLUE’s 10th year. As facilitators of the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve, BLUE aims to restore the ocean to health by establishing marine protected areas and by tackling overfishing. BLUE’s mission is to see at least 30 per cent of the world’s ocean under effective protection by 2030 and the other 70 per cent managed in a responsible way.

BLUE Review 2020

Not a bad office window for the small-scale fishing fleet of Lyme Bay Reserve
22nd January, 2021

West Bay harbour is one of four fishing harbours which make up the Lyme Bay Fisheries & Conservation Reserve. The other three harbours being Lyme Regis in Dorset and Axmouth and Beer in East Devon. Happy #FishFriday

Want to find out more about Lyme Bay Reserve?
20th February, 2021

The Blue Marine Foundation showcases the recovery of marine life in Lyme Bay following the creation of a marine protected area that banned destructive, mobile fishing and tells of the benefits to small-scale fishermen of the community-led, collaborative model of sustainable fishing that has since been developed.

Beautiful Beer Beach
18th January, 2021

Beat those winter #MondayBlues and enjoy this aerial shot of Beer beach in East Devon, home to the small-scale fishing fleet of Lyme Bay Reserve.

Photo by Red Zeppelin on Unsplash

Happy #FishFriday
15th January, 2021

Despite lockdown #3 fishmongers and fishermen along the southwest coast are still catching and delivering fresh, sustainably caught fish and shellfish from Lyme Bay Reserve. Fill your fridge and give the fishing community a boost by having #LocalFishForDinner.

Check out these local suppliers:

Beer Fisheries Ltd, Beer, Devon
Phone: 01297 20297
Free local delivery available and nationwide delivery.

Lyme Bay Fish Shack, Kilmington, Devon
Phone: 01297 552176
Free local delivery available.

Just Fish, Seaton, Devon
Phone: 01297 24200

Photo by Lyme Bay Fish Shack

Test your crab knowledge!
13th January, 2021

Lyme Bay Reserve fishermen and Education Ambassador Gavin Ziemann who fishes out of Axmouth Harbour in East Devon has set this question for you: How do you identify between a Cock (male) and a Hen (female) crab? Any ideas?

According to Gavin: “The bottom crab is the Hen crab, notice the slight difference in shape, her shell is more rounded, also the claws can be smaller than on a Cock crab of a similar size Now look at the bottom picture, same two crabs, notice the “apron” on the hen is a lot bigger, this is to assist with carrying the large number of eggs (berries) they produce”.

Local fish for dinner
6th January, 2021

As we enter another lockdown don't forget you can still buy fresh, sustainably caught fish and shellfish from the small-scale fishing fleet of Lyme Bay Reserve. Pop along to any of these fishmongers and help support your local fishing community:

Beer Fisheries Ltd – Beer, Devon
Lyme Bay Fish Shack – Axminster, Devon
Call 4 Fish – Nationwide
Just Fish – Seaton, Devon

Photo by Beer Fisheries

