People Lyme Bay Team Consultative Committee
Our Mission “The proposed scheme sets out not only to protect the ecosystem of Lyme Bay but also, crucially, to create some value for local fishermen through the process of conservation.”

Consultative Committee

The Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve Consultative Committee was established in 2013 to replace the Lyme Bay Working Group set up in 2011. The Committee represents a cross section of stakeholders including fishermen operating within the Reserve, fishing organisations, statutory authorities, conservation bodies, research institutes and local councils working together to develop, promote and implement best practice in sustainable fishery and conservation management within the Lyme Bay Reserve.

Members of the Committee: 

  • BLUE Marine Foundation 
  • Fishermen Representatives from the four ports operating within the Lyme Bay Reserve 
  • New Under Ten Fishermen’s Association 
  • Seafish 
  • Angling Trust 
  • Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority 
  • Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority 
  • Marine Management Organisation 
  • Natural England 
  • Dorset County Council 
  • East Devon County Council 
  • Dorset Coast Forum 
  • Dorset Wildlife Trust 
  • University of Plymouth

Minutes from past Committee meetings can be found here: Committee Meeting Minutes 

